Wayfinding City, Campus, & Park Map Illustration & DesignspacerFacebookPinterest

Emery Pajer  |  epajer@emster.com  |  (717) 542-6623

Wayfinding Park Trail Map, Tivoli Bays, New York
Wayfinding Park Trail Map, Tivoli Bays, New York

2D Wayfinding Map of Loyola College, Baltimore, Maryland (partial)
2D Wayfinding Map of Loyola College, Baltimore, Maryland

3D Wayfinding Campus Map of Millersville University, Pennsylvania
3D Wayfinding Campus Map of Millersville University, Pennsylvania

Wayfinding Steet Map of Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Wayfinding Steet Map of Lancaster, Pennsylvania

Wayfinding County Map of Greene County, New York, with Topographic Detail and Plotting
ayfinding County Map of Greene County, New York, with Topographic Detail and Plotting

3D Wayfinding Map of the Pittsburg Zoo (partial)
3D Wayfinding Map of the Pittsburg Zoo

Wayfinding Map of the University of Maryland Biopark Campus
Wayfinding Map of the University of Maryland Biopark Campus

Wayfinding Map for the York Ale Trail, Pennsylvania
Wayfinding Map for the York Ale Trail, Pennsylvania

Wayfinding Street Map of Alexandria, Virginia, with Plotting and Building Outlines
Wayfinding Street Map of Alexandria, Virginia, with Plotting and Building Outlines

Wayfinding Street Map of Baltimore, Maryland, with Curb Detail and Building Outlines
Wayfinding Street Map of Baltimore, Maryland, with Curb Detail and Building Outlines

Wayfinding Street Map of Washington, D.C., with Push Pin Plotting
Wayfinding Street Map of Washington, D.C., with Push Pin Plotting

3D Wayfinding Campus Map of Arkansas Technical University (partial)
3D Wayfinding Campus Map of Arkansas Technical University

Wayfinding County Map of Greene County, New York, with Plotting
Wayfinding County Map of Greene County, New York, with Plotting

3D Wayfinding Floorplan Map, The Jewish Museum, New York
3D Wayfinding Floorplan Map, The Jewish Museum, New York

Wayfinding Campus Map, Upper Chesapeake Medical Center, Maryland
Wayfinding Campus Map, Upper Chesapeake Medical Center, Maryland

3D Wayfinding Floorplan Map
3D Wayfinding Floorplan Map

Wayfinding Amusement Park Map, Kennywood, Pennsylvania
Wayfinding Amusement Park Map, Kennywood, Pennsylvania

Wayfinding Park Trail Map, Neversink, New York
Wayfinding Park Trail Map, Neversink, New York

Wayfinding Neighborhood Map of Baltimore, Maryland, with Building Outlines and Plotting
Wayfinding Neighborhood Map of Baltimore, Maryland, with  Building Outlines and Plotting

Wayfinding City, Campus, &Park Map Illustration & DesignspacerFacebookPinterest

Emery Pajer  |  epajer@emster.com  |  (717) 542-6623

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Detailed, Garment, Conceptual and Product illustrations.

City, street, county, and park map illustrations.

2D & 3D campus maps and cityscape illustrations

A sampling of 2D Maps, 3D Maps, and Miscellaneous Illustrations.


©2020 Emery Pajer
Any use of materials on this website, including reproduction, modification, distribution, or republication is strictly prohibited.